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Last revised December 28, 2002 11:02 AM (Optimized for IE 5.x, Best Viewed at 800x600)
For friends, family, and all lovers of dirt bikes
Seizures --- What causes them
well there are different types of seizures. the
first i'd like to address is the cold seizure. now ya know them
idiots in the pits who start there bikes up and rev them wide
open and say i'm just cleanin her out, yup, there cleanin off
presious aluminum and cylinder wall cause when you rev the bike
up when cold the piston will heat up from the increased friction
and expand quicker then the cylinder walls do, then it becomes
tight and a four corner seizure happens.
the next is just an old piston, when a piston gets old a thing
called blowby will happen, the piston will not fit snug in the
cylinder and when this happens, it doesn't keep all of the
explosive heat on top of the piston during explosions so the heat
blows by the crown and down the side heating up the piston and
melting it to the cylinder wall. a third is holding yer bike wide
open for more then 30 seconds or so will build up too much heat
in the cylinder and melt the piston, =seizure. and then theres
the lean misture, take yer plug out. if shes white shes lean,
keep it like this and go down a long hill wide open and at the
bottom of the hill if its in the shade i would predict a seizure
right there and then, especially in the fall. the thing is the
oil in yer gas is the cylinders only lubricant, now if you go too
lean the motor will burn it all up and the cylinder wall becomes
dry and thus no lubrication means no racing today billy.
Wide open 'till you see god, then brake.